The current GREEN BRANDS Germany 2022/2023 procedure has recently begun!
The companies and brands that have already been nominated will be informed and thus given the opportunity to participate. Some companies/products have already been awarded or are in the validation process.
The brands that have already successfully passed the validation procedure once will have the chance to receive a new award and thus also receive the quality seal with one star!
Many brands have already taken part in the re-validation process several times and – depending on the number of times they have taken part – receive the corresponding number of stars on the quality seal!
In GERMANY, the first procedure was concluded in November 2013 with the publication of the book and a tribute. After three further two-year procedures, we concluded the fifth GREEN BRANDS Germany procedure with the publication of the book in November 2021. Due to the pandemic-situation, we had to postpone the planned tribute event until spring 2022.
60 brands were awarded in 2021. Those brands that had already successfully passed the procedure once received the award again after a successful re-validation procedure and thus also the seal of quality with one star! Those brands that have now successfully passed the re-validation for the second time received the quality label with two stars; with three successful re-validations with three stars and with four successful re-validations with four stars!