No Greenwashing
Green is not always green. Therefore, GREEN BRANDS uses a strict validation process to check if the Companies and Brands operate genuinely eco-friendly and it is an EU Certification Mark for environmental sustainability. #NoGreenwashing
Jungle of Seals
There are too many green seals and you can get lost in the shuffle. Trust the GREEN BRAND Quality Seal for Companies, Services Provider, Products and Food. #NoGreenwashing
Green Heart
Sustainability is now everywhere. 88% of Germans already take measures to conserve environment: They avoid plastic, repair their appliances instead of purchasing new ones, and switch to green electricity. Do you also do so? Which heart beats in you?
Repairing is caring
What do you do when your Washing Machine, Iron or TV set breaks down? Repair it or buy a new one? Our plea for less waste and more sustainability: repairing (or having repaired) is a sensible alternative to discarding!