Monthly Archives: October 2020

Hubert von Goisern is the ” GREEN BRAND Austria Personality 2020″

He is a musical ambassador for Austria and also a growing campaigner for environmental conservation and humanity: Hubert von Goisern. For his commitment to a better and more peaceful world, we are awarding this year’ s “GREEN BRAND Austria Personality 2020” to the exceptional artist. For more than 30 years, the musician from the Upper Austrian Salzkammergut region has been touring the stages of the world and inspiring his audience with his unique music. With a mixture of rock, jazz, blues,

LifeVERDE-Podcast: GREEN-BRANDS founder Norbert Lux in the conversation

How and when was the GREEN-BRANDS Seal created? Which companies have already been awarded the seal? And what criteria must brands meet to be awarded with the green quality seal, which has been protected by the EU as a certification mark? In a podcast of the online magazine LifeVERDE, Norbert Lux, Initiator and Managing Director of GREEN BRANDS, offers a peek behind the scenes of the green quality seal, which is now awarded in almost ten European countries. In an interview

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