“When restarting the economy, the focus should be on climate protection – because that creates a secure future, prosperity and sustainable jobs”, writes news.at, Austria’s biggest business magazine in its May issue. The weekly magazine “Trend” has also taken up the article.
The corona pandemic has brought society and economy to a standstill globally. According to UN Secretary General António Guterres, the “most serious crisis since World War II” therefore requires special measures and an “ecological Marshall Plan” that does not forget the second major crisis: climate change.
Only if the economy in the post-Corona era focuses on sustainable production methods “instead of just-in-time, outsourcing and profit maximization” can our long-term survival be ensured.
“Companies that make a valuable contribution to environmental and climate protection are honoured year after year with the quality seal ‘Green Brands Austria’.
As Austrian climate pioneers, the article cites the companies Lenzing Papier and Brau Union Österreich, which have been awarded the “GREEN BRANDS Austria” seal. Both brands operate in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner. They have therefore already been bearing the seal for several years and were able to qualify again in each of the re-validations.
Our “GREEN BRANDS Austria” quality seal itself is also praised in news.at and TREND: “Companies that make a valuable contribution to environmental and climate protection are honored with the ‘GREEN BRAND Austria’ quality seal year after year”, the business magazines say. This is a valuable confirmation of our international and unique process. It shows that the relevance of sustainable management is increasingly recognised and that the current crisis is finally putting climate and environmental protection high on the agenda.
You can read the full length of the article “Ecological Marshall Plan” here.